Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic is a safe and effective method of treating musculoskeletal conditions. Adjustment will help restore lost motion in joints. Areas of adjustments commonly performed; back, neck, wrists, knees, shoulders, hips, ankles, etc.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is used to provide relief for muscular pain and stiffness. In addition, easing the trigger points may improve flexibility and increase range of motion.


Myofascial Release Graston/Taping/Myofascial

Manual therapy such as massage, myofascial release with movement, cupping, Graston or IASTM help restore muscle tone. Our Chiropractor will choose the tools and therapies that are best suited for your unique circumstance.

Exercise Rehab/Performance

There is no substitute for hard work. But it helps when you know that the exercises you are given are the ones that will get you back to doing what you love the most. Our providers bring a comprehensive approach to your individual and specific program. Your exercises are modified and tailored to you and your needs.


Shockwave Therapy

A sound approach to treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) is widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain in muscles, tendons and joints. MyACT describes the use of acoustic waves to target tissue at varying depths to compress and manipulate tissue resulting in a focused and precise deep tissue massage. The results of the mechanical stimulus delivered by MyACT can lead to increased circulation and pain relief – key components in the healing process. This is a great option for Post-Surgical Intervention, Plantar Fasciitis, Golfers Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Disc Injuries, Ligament Sprains, Muscle Strains, TMJ Disorder, Arthritis, Runners Knee, Jumpers Knee just to name a few. Ask us for further information. Gain control of your pain with PiezoWave Therapy today.